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Frequently Asked Questions

Enterprise Connections

How do I sign up for optic fibre?
You can approach any Internet Service Providers (ISP) for the delivery of optic fibre and services to your premises. The ISP of your choice will then submit the request to NetLink Trust for order provision.
How do I know if the building I work at is fibre-ready?
You may do a coverage check here. Alternatively, you can email us at ask@netlinknbn.com or call our enquiry line, at 6563 4273 / 656-FIBRE.
I am a commercial tenant. When will you be installing the Termination Point in my unit?
NetLink Trust will install the fibre Distribution Point up to the Main Distribution Frame room or telecom riser on the ground floor of your commercial building.

We will only proceed to install a Termination Point in your unit when we have received an order from your preferred Internet Service Provider.
Do I need to get approval from the landlord to install the Termination Point in my rented office?

You will be required to obtain permission from your landlord because minor drilling and installation works may take place. NetLink Trust will work with the residents and building management to minimise any disruption.

Do I need to purchase any equipment for the installation?


However, if the horizontal cable tray from the riser to the office unit is not available, you will have to make way for it to be installed. NetLink Trust may install the cable tray at an additional cost. The charges will be levied on a case-by-case basis depending on the distance of the tray to be installed, and as well as the tenant’s requirements.

Do I require a fixed telephone line or cable line to enjoy fibre services?

No, you do not require a fixed telephone line or cable line to enjoy fibre services.

What will the set up and installation entail?

Up to 4 NetLink Trust’s appointed contractors will be involved in the installation, (no more than 4 hours per installation). During installation, our appointed contractors will determine the location of the Termination Point (TP) in consultation with the tenant. Our appointed contractors will attempt to leverage existing points of ingress to install the fibre optic cable wherever possible. If existing surface trunking or cable tray is available, we will attempt to use it. If the existing trunking cannot be used, we will explore other alternatives such as a new trunking.

How does the fibre connection within my premises look like?
The fibre is terminated at a Termination Point - a small box that is placed inside your premises.
Will our current servers/phone lines/phone dashboards be affected after installing the Termination Point?
The optical fibre setup will not interfere or disturb any existing cables in your premises.
Will the fibre optic connection work on my Macintosh and my PC? Are all modems in the market today compatible with optical fibre?
Once the Termination Point is established in your premises, your Internet Service Provider will work with you to provide the necessary Optical Network Terminals or Residential Gateways.

In general, the optical fibre cable setup can be utilised with Macintosh, PCs and most network capable equipment.
My commercial building is a high-rise building with 20 storeys. Is there a fibre Distribution Point on every floor?
The Fibre Distribution Point is only erected when the first end-user on the floor takes up the fibre service.
Why does NetLink Trust only install the fibre Termination Point in residential units? This is unfair to commercial tenants, as we do not get to enjoy the installation fee waiver for the first 15 metres of optic fibre.
NetLink Trust adheres to the regulations set by the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA), which provides funding for Termination Point installation up to 15 metres in residential units.
I do not wish to subscribe to fibre services yet. Is it possible to just install the Termination Point first?
NetLink Trust offers this service on a case by case basis. Please email us at ask@netlinknbn.com or call our enquiry line, at 6563 4273 / 656-FIBRE, for more details.
My commercial building is expected to receive its Temporary Occupation Permit at a future date. Can you install the fibre Distribution Point first?
NetLink Trust is able to install the fibre Distribution Point in the lead-up to the Temporary Occupation Permit. You may wish to call our enquiry line, at 6563 4273 / 656-FIBRE, for more information.
My building classification is under “GOV”. I have been residing there for the past five years. Why do I have to pay a non-residential rate to the Internet Service Provider to get the Termination Point installed? Moreover, I could not register for non-residential rates as I don’t have a Business Registration Number.
The classification were set up based on official data given during the rollout period and it determines the network topology to and in the building.

Internet Service Providers have the discretion to offer residential fibre broadband packages in non-residential buildings if the tenant can prove that it is used as a place of residence.
I would like to apply for a residential broadband. However, I was informed I am unable to do so as the unit that I am residing is classified as non-residential. What is the procedure for me to enjoy residential broadband services?
If you are using the premises for residential purpose and would like to take up a residential fibre plan, you may approach your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to submit a reclassification order. Please provide them with at least two of the following documentary evidence:

  • Telecommunication or internet bill (fixed line subscription only)
  • Service and conservancy bill from the Town Council
  • Utilities bill from Singapore Power
  • TV subscription bill
  • Tenancy agreement for residence
What is a springboard issue? Why is my connection delayed by this issue?
The springboard issue occurs when NetLink Trust is refused entry into a Main Distribution Frame (MDF) room that is located in another building or property.

Provisioning time is delayed due to the challenges that NetLink Trust faced in obtaining the building management’s approval to access the MDF room. NetLink Trust is working with IMDA and the relevant building managements to resolve the access issues. Once access is granted, provisioning of fibre can proceed.
What can be done to resolve springboarding issues?
NetLink Trust is continuously undertaking efforts to expedite negotiations with individual building management for access to the relevant Main Distribution Frame rooms. Where necessary, NetLink Trust will seek assistance from the authorities. Once access is granted, provisioning of services to the end-user will proceed.

About Us


NetLink Trust designs, builds, owns and operates the fibre network infrastructure which is the foundation of Singapore’s Nationwide Broadband Network.



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