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Frequently Asked Questions

Scheduled Maintenance

What sort of scheduled maintenance does NetLink Trust need to carry out?
NetLink Trust carries out scheduled maintenance works for our network. This occurs in instances such as, cable diversion, fibre optic cabinets clean up, urgent cable restoration, cabinet/building demolition and replacement of damaged splitter card, etc.
When does scheduled maintenance happen?
Scheduled maintenance is carried out on an as-needed basis. The timing of our scheduled maintenance has to comply with the regulations from various government agencies (i.e. National Environment Agency, Town Councils, Land Transport Authority) and Building Management; most of them prohibit works during weekends and public holidays. As far as possible, our works will be carried out from 1 AM to 6 AM. However, we will schedule daytime works in cases where access is only permissible during the day:

  • Access to certain telecom rooms (as allowed by the respective Building Management)
  • Works that are near residential premises
How will end users be informed of scheduled maintenance?
For scheduled maintenance, we will notify the affected telecommunications operators, who will in turn, inform their affected customers.
What could affect the progress of a scheduled maintenance?
Our scheduled maintenance is outdoor in nature and it may be affected by prevailing weather conditions, for instance, rain and strong wind will delay our progress. Nevertheless, NetLink will try to complete the works as soon as we can, so as to minimise disruptions. We seek the affected telecommunication operators’ and end users’ kind understanding on this.
Why can’t NetLink carry out scheduled maintenance between 12 AM to 6 AM or during weekends all the time?
The timing of our scheduled maintenance has to comply with the regulations from various government agencies (i.e. National Environment Agency, Town Councils, Land Transport Authority) and Building Management; most of them prohibit works during weekends and public holidays. Depending on the types of work involved, scheduled maintenance can only take place at specific timings of the day: 

  • Diversion works that involve distribution cables between the Main Distribution Frame (MDF) room and NetLink’s boxes along the corridors
  • Splicing or patching at the joint closure in the manholes near landed premises
  • Works that involve access to certain serving cabinets (as allowed by the respective Building Management)

Wee Hours
  • Diversion works that involve main cables
Will end users’ connections be down during scheduled maintenance?
Normally, the end users’ fibre service will not be disrupted for more than 4 hours. However, in cases where there are complex site conditions, the disruption may extend beyond 4 hours. We are also unable to specify which end user’s connection will be disrupted at what time.
Will NetLink be able to provide any backup solutions for end users during the down time?
We will try our best to minimise the disruption to end users but unfortunately, it is not possible for NetLink Trust, a fibre-only operator, to provide an alternative solution during a scheduled maintenance. End users may wish to check with their service providers for a temporary viable solution.

About Us


NetLink Trust designs, builds, owns and operates the fibre network infrastructure which is the foundation of Singapore’s Nationwide Broadband Network.



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