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Frequently Asked Questions

Interconnection Offer

Why does the standard tariff table only cover a 25-year tenure?
The Info-communications Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA) has approved and published the prices for a 25-year tenure.
Who can procure access to ducts, manholes and central offices?
Only Facilities-Based Operators (FBOs) can procure access to ducts, manholes and central offices.
How do I get a Facilities-Based Operator (FBO) licence?
You may apply for a FBO licence from the Info-communications Media Development Authority of Singapore (IMDA).
What is the difference between ducts and lead-in ducts?

Ducts connect different points that can be accessed by manholes. Lead-in ducts refer to the ducts just outside a building.

In order to connect to any building, both lead-in ducts and lead-in manholes are required.

What if there are no available ducts or manholes?

A designated Public Telecommunication Licensee (PTL) will be able to request for NetLink Trust to construct the required ducts and manholes. Tariffs will be discussed separately.

About Us


NetLink Trust designs, builds, owns and operates the fibre network infrastructure which is the foundation of Singapore’s Nationwide Broadband Network.



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