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Frequently Asked Questions

Building Developers

Where can I submit a request for Fibre Readiness Certification?
You can submit a request for Fibre Readiness Certification here.
When am I required to submit the request for Fibre Readiness Certification?
The requirement for Fibre Readiness Certification applies to all new residential developments, with the exception of single landed dwelling-house unit.  

For landed properties, the application for a fibre Readiness Certification must be done at least three months before obtaining the Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) of the development.  

In the case of high-rise residential projects, the application for a Fibre Readiness Certification must be done at least five months before obtaining TOP on a per-block basis. This means that if each block of HDB, condominium or high-rise apartment within the same development has different TOP dates, the building developer has to apply for the Fibre Readiness Certification individually.
What are the required information when submitting a request for Fibre Readiness Certification?
The following information must be provided during submission:

  • Project reference from Building and Construction Authority (BCA) (E.g. A2003-12345-2013)
  • Telecommunication Facility Co-ordination Committee (TFCC) E-Submission number (E.g. TFCC-2013-1234)
  • Expected TOP date for the individual blocks in the development
  • Development name and address
  • Total number of blocks and total number of units per block
  • Primary and secondary contact person
What are the required documents when submitting a request for Fibre Readiness Certification?
The following documents are required during submission:

  • Certificate of Numbering – House number and unit number of residential premises, landed or high rise as assigned by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
  • Fibre Schematic Layout – Schematic diagram of the fibre cables installed at residential premises, namely:
    • from the meter compartment to the unit’s Distribution Board (DB) closet; or
    • from the telecom riser to the unit’s DB closet or utility room.
  • Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) Report – Measurement of optical return loss for all residential premises of the development. The OTDR report shall be carried out by the developer, building owner, licensed electrical contractor or homeowner, and shall consist of optical fibre loss measurements for all residential premises in that development.
  • Power Meter Report – Measurement of fibre optic loss for all residential premises of the development. The Power Meter Report shall be carried out by the developer, building owner, licensed electrical contractor or homeowner, and shall consist of optical fibre loss measurements for all residential premises in that development.
  • Light Source Continuity Test Report – A test that uses powerful visible red laser to ensure that the optical fibre is not physically broken and the fibre is connected from one end to another end.
What if I do not have the complete set of documentation? Can I still proceed with the Fibre Readiness Certification request submission?

All submissions must be accompanied by a complete set of documentation. Registration will not be processed if documents are missing or incomplete.

What should I do if my documents exceeded the file size limit and I am not able to upload the files during registration?
If your documents exceed the upload file size limit, please mail your files in a CD-rom or USB flash drive within seven business days from date of registration to:

Fibre Readiness Certification Project Team
NetLink Management Pte. Ltd. (as Trustee-Manager of NetLink Trust)
750E Chai Chee Road
#07-03 ESR BizPark @ Chai Chee
Singapore 469005

For walk-in submissions, kindly take note of the following operating hours: Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays)

Between 9 am and 12 pm, as well as between 2 pm and 5.30 pm
I am unsure of the documents required by NetLink Trust for the Fibre Readiness Certification. Who can I contact in NetLink Trust to seek clarification?
You can contact us via this enquiry form and we will get back to you within the next three to five business days.
When can I hear from NetLink Trust after submitting the documents for the Fibre Readiness Certification?
We will respond to you in 3 working days once we have received all the necessary documents.
After submitting the request, how will I know that the appointment date for Fibre Readiness Certification testing has been confirmed?
Upon verification of the required documents, NetLink Trust will send you the invoice and payment details via the indicated registered email address. Payment should be made within 15 business days from the date of the invoice, otherwise the application will be invalid.

Once payment is made, NetLink Trust will make the necessary appointment with our contractor and notify you of the test date. Upon the acceptance and confirmation of the appointment, you are strongly encouraged not to make any changes to the date.

Any request for changes or amendment is subject to NetLink Trust’s approval and date availability.
Who needs to be around during Fibre Readiness Certification Testing?
A relevant representative should be available on the day of Fibre Readiness Certification Testing, as NetLink Trust’s appointed contractors will need to access the Termination Point(s) in each development and/or unit for sample testing.
What are the services that NetLink Trust will provide in relation to Fibre Readiness Certification?
NetLink Trust will provide fibre testing services to verify if there is any high loss reading in the in-building fibre. The scope of testing does not include certifying whether the material used by the building developer is in compliance with the prescribed specifications.

NetLink Trust disclaims all liability as to the adequacy, workmanship and functionality of tested and certified Termination Points (TPs), which inadequacy and/or failure can be due to a variety of reasons including but not limited to vandalism, rodent bite or poor workmanship during installation. For the avoidance of doubt, the building developer shall be responsible for any failure of the installed fibre and TPs at all times, including during and after fibre testing by NetLink Trust and/or its appointed contractor.
If the development fails the test for the Fibre Readiness Certification, what should I do?
Re-testing of the optic fibre is required, should the development fails the test for the Fibre Readiness Certification. You will need to conduct the necessary rectifications and re-submit a Fibre Readiness Certification request to NetLink Trust with all the necessary information and documents within 10 business days upon receiving the test result notification.

Do note that re-testing of the Termination Points may be conducted randomly; different from those that were previously tested. You are liable to pay NetLink Trust all applicable charges regardless of the test results.
How long will it take for me to acquire the Fibre Readiness Certificate?
The timeframe for completion depends on the number of units in each development. A sample size from each development will be tested and this may take four weeks or longer.

The sample size for the different premises is based on:

  • For landed properties, 100% assuming one unit per landed property
  • For all other development, 30% of the total units in a single building/block
After passing the test, how and where can I collect the Fibre Readiness Certificate?
After successful completion of the testing, a digital copy of the Fibre Readiness Certificate will be sent to you at the indicated registered email address.
What are the charges for a Fibre Readiness Certification request?
Please refer to the below table for the relevant charges:


Type of Building

Fibre Certification Charge (inclusive of GST)

Fibre Certification for Landed Property (Sample testing of up to 5 Termination Points per Landed Property)


SGD 368.83

Fibre Certification for High-rise Building (Sample testing of up to 10 Termination Points per building)


SGD 565.22

Fibre Certification for High-rise Building (Sample testing of up to 20 Termination Points per building)


SGD 938.59

Optional add-ons

Testing of each additional Termination Point (Beyond the 20th Termination Point, where required)

Landed / High-rise

SGD 43.16

If I require a re-testing regardless of test result failure or any unforeseen circumstance, can the charges be waived?
If a re-testing is required, you will be liable for all applicable charges regardless of the test results.
What are the payment modes available?
You may make an online payment to NetLink Trust.

NetLink Trust will provide you with the payment details when a submission request for Fibre Readiness Certification has been received.
What should I do if I have forgotten the login details?
Kindly contact NetLink Trust via this enquiry form and we will attend to you within the next three to five business days.
What should I do if I face any issues with the online submission?
Kindly contact NetLink Trust via this enquiry form and we will attend to you within the next three to five business days.

About Us


NetLink Trust designs, builds, owns and operates the fibre network infrastructure which is the foundation of Singapore’s Nationwide Broadband Network.



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