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Frequently Asked Questions

Non-Building Address Points (NBAP) Fibre Connection

Can a site office without an address apply for fibre broadband services?
Yes, a site office without an address can apply for fibre broadband services.

There are provisions under the current Interconnection Offer for NetLink Trust to provide fibre connectivity services to buildings without addresses through Non-Building Address Points (NBAPs).
How do I subscribe to fibre broadband services for a site office?
You may approach your preferred Internet Service Provider (ISP) for a NBAP connection. The ISP will then work with NetLink Trust to provide this service.
What is the scope of the NBAP installation service?
The service covers the:

  • Provisioning of fibre connectivity through the installation of the Termination Point (TP) at the site office
  • Conducting site surveys as needed
  • Laying of fibre and ducts
  • Activating the fibre to provide connectivity
To reduce the cost and time for the provisioning of services, you could lay the lead-in pipe from the TP to the site. NetLink Trust and the Internet Service Provider will work together to provide the pipe from the nearest manhole, lay the fibre to the TP and activate the fibre connection.
Will all requests for NBAPs be approved, and how long does it take?

Once an order has been placed with the Internet Service Provider (ISP), NetLink Trust will conduct a site survey to ascertain the extent of installation work and cost involved. The ISP will advise you on the cost involved and you will need to indicate your acceptance within 20 business days.

Should you choose not to proceed at this point, a cancellation charge will be imposed.

What is the process and typical turnaround time for the completion of service provisioning?

Upon acceptance of the cost advised by the Internet Service Provider, the turnaround time for service activation is typically about 40 business days. This includes getting approval from the relevant authorities, trenching works, laying the pipe, as well as fibre and service activation.

What are the ballpark costs involved for deploying an NBAP connection?

The installation cost is heavily dependent on the digging and trenching works involved in bringing the fibre to the location of the TP, and the conditions of the site. Hence, the ballpark costs involved for NBAP deployment would differ in each case.

About Us


NetLink Trust designs, builds, owns and operates the fibre network infrastructure which is the foundation of Singapore’s Nationwide Broadband Network.



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