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Frequently Asked Questions

Residential Connections

Section A

The previous owner/tenant is still occupying the port in my house. Can NetLink Trust (NLT) assist in releasing the port so that I can proceed to subscribe fibre broadband with my Internet Service Provider (ISP)?
NetLink Trust (NLT) is not authorised to terminate the port without a termination request from the ISP. Likewise, the ISP must also receive a termination request from its subscriber, in order to put forth the termination request to NLT. Hence, you will need to contact your previous owner/tenant to put up the termination request.NetLink Trust (NLT) is not authorised to terminate the port without a termination request from the ISP. Likewise, the ISP must also receive a termination request from its subscriber, in order to put forth the termination request to NLT. Hence, you will need to contact your previous owner/tenant to put up the termination request.
I would like to terminate my existing broadband subscription and switch to a new Internet Service Provider (ISP), what do I need to do?
Please approach your new ISP to process the switch. Once NetLink Trust receives the request from your ISP, we will process the release and port takeover.
How do I extend the range of the wifi broadband signal in my premises?

WiFi signal and performance depend on a variety of factors, for instance, the number of connecting devices and the size/layout of your premises. We recommend the following best practices: 

  • Place your router(s) in an open space, for example, on a TV console and/or close to the area where you always use the WiFi, instead of an enclosed area like cabinet, store room or bomb shelter
  • Regularly upgrade your router firmware 
  • Deploy “extenders” or additional router(s) for larger premises and/or premises with special layout
  • Contact your Internet Service Provider for more information on the available options
My internet connection seemed to be unstable, can NetLink Trust (NLT) send your technicians to rectify the issue as I need to use the internet urgently?

Please approach your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for further checks. If necessary, your ISP will raise a Trouble Ticket and we will work with them to resolve the issue.

Am I able to install a second Fibre Termination Point (FTP) despite having available ports on my first one?

Please approach your Internet Service Provider (ISP). They will advise you the next course of action and the charges applicable. Once NetLink Trust (NLT) receives the request from your ISP, we will proceed with the installation works.

How do I check the status of my Trouble Ticket?
Please approach your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and they will advise you on the status of your ticket.

Section B

How do I know which IMDA's COPIF applies to my development?
You can refer to the Urban Redevelopment Authority’s (URA) granted Provisional Permission (PP) or Written Permission (WP) effective date, whichever date is earlier, to determine the COPIF of your development.

For example:
  • If your URA's PP or WP effective date is before 01 May 2013, you will need to comply with COPIF 2008.
  • If your URA's PP or WP effective date is on or after 01 May 2013, and before 15 December 2018, you will need to comply with COPIF 2013.
  • If your URA's PP or WP effective date is on or after 15 December 2018, you will need to comply with COPIF 2018.
Can I have more than one Termination Point in my household?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

Only one Termination Point is required for each household.

Only one Termination Point is required for each household.

I am interested to sign up for an installation of Termination Point but I am a tenant. How do I proceed?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

You will need written permission from the homeowner before requesting for an optical fibre installation.

Please get the homeowner to fill up the homeowner authorisation form before approaching your preferred Internet Service Provider.

The Termination Point (TP) is to be installed by the building developer or building owner during the building’s construction. Please approach your homeowner if the TP cannot be located.

You may approach your preferred Internet Service Provider to sign up for fibre broadband services thereafter.

Can I arrange for my own contractor to install the Termination Point?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013 / COPIF 2018

If you need NetLink to install, relocate, repair, replace, or remove your Fibre Termination Point (FTP), please complete the form in the “Contact Us” page, under the “Homeowners” category. After submitting the form, you will receive a SMS or email notification to make an upfront payment (click the button below). Once payment is received, we will proceed to book an appointment based on your selected date (subject to availability). If your chosen date is unavailable, we will contact you to select an alternative date. Once the appointment is confirmed, you will be notified via SMS or email. Please click here for the Fibre Services Agreement.

The Termination Point (TP) is to be installed by the building developer or building owner during the building’s construction. Hence, there is no need for you to arrange for NetLink Trust to install the TP.



I have my own fibre cable. Can your contractor use my fibre cable instead?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

You must use the fibre cable supplied by our appointed contractor on the day of the installation. If homeowners insist on using their own fibre cable, our contractor shall halt the installation.

The Termination Point (TP) is to be installed by the building developer or building owner during the building’s construction. Hence, there is no need for you to arrange for NetLink Trust to install the TP.

Please ensure that your fibre cable complies with standards listed in the COPIF 2013.

The conduit leading into my premises has problems. What should I do?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

You are advised to raise the conduit issue immediately to the Town Council or building management/managing agents for condominium. Town Council and building management/managing agents shall be responsible for the rectification works. Once the defects have been rectified, you can inform us to arrange for our appointed contractors to complete the installation.

You are advised to raise the conduit issue immediately to the Town Council or building management/managing agents for condominium. Town Council and building management/managing agents shall be responsible for the rectification works. Once the defects have been rectified, you can engage your preferred licensed telecommunication wiring contractor to complete the installation.

What happens if I have a pipe blockage within my premises? What should I do?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

You are required to clear the choked pipe before requesting for fibre broadband service. There may be a delay to your service activation period if the pipe choke is not cleared by the time you take up a fibre broadband service with your Internet Service Provider.

Alternatively, if you are unable to or do not wish to clear the internal underground pipe block, we can run an above-ground surface PVC conduit along your fence/side wall to bring the fibre cable into your home.

You are required to clear the choked pipe before requesting for fibre broadband service. There may be a delay to your service activation period if the pipe choke is not cleared by the time you take up a fibre broadband service with your Internet Service Provider. Once the choked pipe has been cleared, you can engage your preferred licensed telecommunication wiring contractor to complete the installation.

I intend to renovate my home in the near future. What do I need to know?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

You are encouraged to install structured cabling (min Cat 5 cables) during your renovation. The structured cabling should be connected to a utility closet or a location that meets the following requirements:

  • Access to an electrical point

  • Structured cabling RJ45 (min Cat 5 cabling) that connects the utility closet to other areas such as the living room, study room and bedroom

  • Sufficient space to install the Termination Point (TP)

If you do not intend to have structured cabling, the TP will be installed in the living room next to the Cable TV / MATV point with an Electrical Point.

You are encouraged to retain the existing Termination Point (TP) and structured cabling provided by your developer, wherever possible. Should relocation of the TP be required, please engage NetLink Trust or your preferred licensed telecommunication wiring contractor directly. You are encouraged to retain the existing TP and structured cabling provided by your developer, wherever possible.

I am a homeowner of a single landed development and have done some Addition & Alteration (A&A) works. What should I do to get my property ready for fibre?
Either you or your building developer have/has to submit the building and telecommunication facility plans to the Telecommunication Facility Co-ordination Committee (TFCC) during the development planning stage. For more details, you may refer to IMDA's COPIF 2018. Once you have made this submission, NetLink Trust, as a committee member of the TFCC, will make the necessary arrangements to work with you or your building developer on the fibre connectivity to your home.

It is important that you handover the relevant space and facilities (e.g. Public Telecommunication Licensee's compartment, fibre termination point at the gate pillar, and lead-in pipes) at least 3 months before your Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) date. Failure to do so may delay the fibre connection to your home.
Where can I submit my building and telecommunication facility plans?
You can submit your building and telecommunication facility plans via the Building Construction Authority's CORENET e-Submission system - https://www.corenet2-ess.gov.sg.
What are the available methods for Termination Point installation?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

Once the optical fibre is installed into your home, you are free to choose any of the following methods to install the Termination Point (TP).

  • New trunking (supplied by NetLink Trust) along floor skirting

  • New trunking (supplied by NetLink Trust) along cornice / ceiling

  • Concealed trunking

For Condominiums / HDBs / High Rise Residential Homes:

  • Ensure or cater for an empty 20mm uPVC conduit or PVC trunking compartment to the location where the TP is to be installed. The conduit should be installed in straight runs or be able to accommodate bending radius of the central line of the conduit not less than 100mm. 
  • A draw rope shall be provided in the empty conduit so that the fibre cable can be installed subsequently.

For Landed Homes: 

  • Ensure 1 empty 50mm diameter uPVC continuous lead-in and underground pipe to be provided from 1m beyond the roadside drain to the location where the TP is to be installed.

  • Ensure that there is a draw rope in the empty conduit so that the fibre cable can be installed subsequently.

Access Panel / False Ceiling Opening:

  • In cases where non-straight runs such as bends and obstacles are encountered during cable pulling, the owner's appointed contractors must be present to carry out the cutting of access panels.

  • Access panels are recommended to be of a minimum size of 450mm x 450mm. They can either be removable or permanently sealed after access.

  • NetLink Trust contractors do not carry out removal of downlights or any other forms of lighting / accessories attached to the false ceiling. The owner's appointed contractors must be present to do the necessary, if applicable.

d. Existing trunking

  • Homeowner who chooses to use their existing trunking will be asked to indemnify NetLink Trust’s appointed contractor against any damages to existing cablings and/or interruption to existing services.

  • A new entry point will be used and some drilling may be required.

The Termination Point will be installed by the building developer or building owner during the building construction phase.

What is a Termination Point and where should I install the Termination Point?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013


A Termination Point (TP) is a small box (H125mm x W80mm x D20mm) whereby NetLink Trust will terminate the optical fibre in your home. 

Only one TP is required per home. Kindly leave a gap of at least 75mm between the Termination Box and utility outlets and/or structures. Every Termination Box will come with an anti-tampering seal, and will be considered tampered if the seal is broken. A replacement and/or repair fee will apply. 

If your premises is structured data cabling ready, we recommend that the TP be installed in the utility closet or a location that meets the following requirements: 

  • Access to electrical point

  • Structured cabling RJ45 (min Cat 5 cabling) connects the utility closet or selected location to other parts of the residence such as the living room, study room and bedroom.

  • Access to Termination Box after installation 

For premises without structured data cabling, NetLink Trust recommends installing the TP in the living room, next to the Cable TV / Master Antennas TV (MATV) with electrical point so that it can support data, video and TV services. 

If you choose to install the TP at a location that does not meet the given recommendations, please note that NetLink Trust will charge a fee for any subsequent requests to relocate the TP and will only carry out surface trunking works.

A Termination Point (TP) is a small wall mounted box whereby the optical fibre is terminated in your home. 

The Termination Point (TP) is installed by the building developer or building owner during the building construction phase. The TP will typically be located at a utility closet or a location that meets the following requirements:

  •  Access to electrical point

  • Structured cabling RJ45 / Cat 6 cabling connecting the selected location to other parts of the residence such as the living room, study room and bedroom.

What is the duration of a typical installation?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

HDB Flats

For installations at HDB blocks, a typical installation session should take about two (2) hours. Approximately two (2) NetLink Trust’s appointed contractors will be involved in the installation.


For installations at condominiums and private apartments, a typical installation session should take about two (2) hours. Approximately two (2) NetLink Trust’s appointed contractors will be involved in the installation.

Landed Properties 

For installations at landed properties, NetLink Trust’s appointed contractor will first test the underground pipe to ensure that it is not choked.

If the pipe blockage occurs within your compound

Should you opt to install the optical fibre cable via surface conduit from the gate post or point of entry into your home, a typical installation session should take about four (4) hours. Approximately six (6) NetLink Trust’s appointed contractors will be involved in the installation.

If the pipe blockage occurs outside your premises

NetLink Trust’s appointed contractor will submit the necessary permits needed to clear the blockage to the relevant authorities. Please note that this process may take up to 3 months. Once the permits have been approved, our appointed contractor will contact you within 1 month to carry out the installation.

If the pipe blockage occurs both within and outside your premises

The blockage located within your compound will need to be cleared first. Once the blockage located within your compound is cleared, please inform NetLink Trust’s appointed contractor so that we can apply for the necessary permits needed to clear the blockage located outside your premises.

The Termination Point will be installed by the building developer or building owner during the building’s construction.

What is a pipe blockage and why does it happen?
Pipe blockage occurs when an underground duct leading into a property is choked and we are unable pull a fibre cable into the property. This can be due to various factors – wear and tear of the ducts, soil movement over time which dislocated the ducts, or ducts damaged during the addition & alteration works by property owners/developers.
Why does it take up to three months to clear a pipe blockage outside my landed premises?
Before any earthworks can be carried out, we need to apply for the necessary permits from the relevant authorities. We may also need to purchase the underground electrical cable plan from the utility company. Approvals for these permits, the purchase of the cable plan, and the subsequent task of performing cable detection can take up to two months. Once the permits have been approved and cable detection completed, our contractor will carry out excavation works to carry out the pipe repairs. Upon completion of the pipe repairs, we will get in touch with you to resume the fibre installation to your home.
What are the installation time slots available?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

A typical installation is conducted between 9am to 6pm, Mondays to Fridays, excluding Public Holidays. Please contact your Internet Service Provider to schedule for an installation appointment.

Not Applicable

I have an appointment scheduled, but I am not able to oversee the installation physically, what should I do?
As a homeowner, you should be present for the installation. Alternatively, you may authorise a person aged 18 years old and above to supervise the installation. You may download the owner authorisation form. Please email the completed form to ask@netlinknbn.com.
How will fibre be installed in my home if it is a new development?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

Residential units will already provide an empty conduit. NetLink Trust will use this empty conduit to install the fibre cable into the unit.

The Termination Point will be installed by the building developer or building owner during construction.

What should I do prior to the installation appointment?
Please ensure that the designated location for installation is accessible by our contractors as they are not obligated to move or shift any furniture/personal effects on your behalf. Please make sure these items are well protected before our contractors arrive. If you request for our contractors' assistance in moving or shifting any furniture/other personal effects, neither NetLink Trust nor our contractors shall be liable for any damage to your property. The following must be observed prior to rendering assistance:

  • Allow NetLink Trust or our contractors to take photographs of the furniture and its surrounding before and after the move or shift
  • You will need to acknowledge the agreement in the Fibre Installation Service Form (SRF)
Can I choose the location of the Termination Point?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

If your premises have structured data cabling installed, NetLink Trust recommends installing the Termination Point (TP) in the utility closet or a location that meets the following requirements:

  • Access to an electrical point

  • Structured cabling RJ45 (min Cat 5 cabling) connects the utility closet or selected location to other areas such as the living room, study room and bedroom

  • Access to a TP after installation

For premises without structured data cabling, NetLink Trust recommends installing the TP in the living room, next to the Cable TV / MATV with an electrical point so that it can support data, video and TV services.

If you choose to install the TP at a location that does not meet the given recommendations, NetLink Trust will charge a fee for subsequent requests to relocate the TP.

The Termination Point (TP) will be installed by the building developer or building owner during construction. The location of the TP is stipulated in the COPIF 2013.

Why is NetLink Trust providing only 15 metres of optical fibre?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

Based on our experience, 15 metres is adequate for the installation of fibre to the living room for most homes. A fee of SGD1.09 per additional 5-metre block (inclusive of GST) will be charged if the total optical fibre cable needed exceeds 15 metres.

Not Applicable

What is the process of installation?
Please refer to our Installation Service guide.
I already have the Termination Point installed. What should I do next?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

You may contact your preferred Internet Service Provider to sign up for fibre broadband service.

You may contact your preferred Internet Service Provider to sign up for fibre broadband service.

What are my home networking options to extend my optical fibre broadband experience?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

You can choose to connect your home with the following networking options:

  • WiFi – Using a wireless router to transmit data signals throughout the home. Please note that WiFi signals weaken when transmitting over distances and through obstacles. Place the router close to where you always use WiFi to optimise coverage.

  • Structured Cabling RJ45 (min Cat 5 Cabling) – Pre-planned network cables to connect to other networking devices within the home via physical Ethernet connections.

Home networking equipment such as the router is connected to the Optical Network Terminal (ONT), which will be provided by your Internet Service Provider when you subscribe to its services.

Home networking equipment cannot be plugged directly into NetLink Trust’s Termination Point. Only the ONT can be connected to the Termination Point.

You may also check with your preferred Internet Service Provider regarding your connections and networking options.

You can choose to connect your home with the following networking options:

  • WiFi – Using a wireless router to transmit data signals throughout the home. Please note that WiFi signals weaken when transmitting over distances and through obstacles. Place the router close to where you always use WiFi to optimise coverage.

  • Structured Cabling RJ45 (min Cat 5 Cabling) – Pre-planned network cables to connect to other networking devices within the home via physical Ethernet connections.

Home networking equipment such as the router is connected to the Optical Network Terminal (ONT), which will be provided by your Internet Service Provider when you subscribe to its services.

Home networking equipment cannot be plugged directly into NetLink Trust’s Termination Point. Only the ONT can be connected to the Termination Point.

You may also check with your preferred Internet Service Provider regarding your connections and networking options.

I have been getting unstable connection speeds ever since I took up the fibre broadband service.

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

Please liaise with your Internet Service Provider on service-related matters.

Please liaise with your Internet Service Provider on service-related matters.

Who should I contact if the Termination Point and/or optical fibre cable is damaged?

If Service Has Been Activated

If Service Has Not Been Activated

If you have subscribed to a fibre broadband service, kindly contact your Internet Service Provider for support.

If you need NetLink to repair or replace, your Fibre Termination Point (FTP), please complete the form in the “Contact Us” page, under the “Homeowners” category. After submitting the form, you will receive a SMS or email notification to make an upfront payment (click the button below). Once payment is received, we will proceed to book an appointment based on your selected date (subject to availability). If your chosen date is unavailable, we will contact you to select an alternative date. Once the appointment is confirmed, you will be notified via SMS or email. Please click here for the Fibre Services Agreement.

Why is NetLink Trust's Field Engineer asking me for a payment?
Our Field Engineer has determined that the fault is attributed to cable damage within your premises, hence, our repair charges will apply.

Alternatively, you may approach any of the NBN contractors to carry out the fault rectification work.  For the avoidance of doubt, NetLink Trust will not carry out any repair and replacement work if you do not agree to pay for the relevant charges.
What charges are applicable to me?

Description of Charges

Price (inclusive of GST)

TP Replacement/Relocation/Repair/Removal in High-Rise Residential Premises


TP Replacement/Relocation/Repair/Removal in Landed Residential Premises


TP RRR CO to TP inside Non-Residential Premises


What charges are applicable to me? 2copy

Description of Charges

Price (inclusive of GST)

TP Replacement/Relocation/Repair/Removal in High-Rise Residential Premises


TP Replacement/Relocation/Repair/Removal in Landed Residential Premises


TP RRR CO to TP inside Non-Residential Premises


How do I know if the SGQR code given by your Field Engineer is legitimate?
After you have scanned the SGQR code, the screen will display a message showing payment will be made to “NETLINK MANGEMENT PTE. LTD. (AS TRUSTEE OF NETLINK TRUST).” If you have any doubts, please contact our customer service team at 6563 4273 immediately.
What should I do if I suspect that the SGQR code is fraudulent?
If you suspect any fraudulent activity, please do not proceed with payment. Contact our customer service team at 6563 4273 immediately, to verify the SGQR code’s authenticity.
How do I request a refund if the fault rectification work is not carried out?
If you believe that the fault rectification work was not carried out, please contact our customer service team at 6563 4273 to initiate an investigation.  If the investigation confirmed that no work was done, a refund will be given within three weeks.
How do I remove NetLink Trust’s optical fibre and Termination Point from my home?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

COPIF 2018

You may engage NetLink to remove your Fibre Termination Point (FTP), please read and complete the form in the “Contact Us” page, under the “Homeowners” category. We will follow up with a SMS/email notification for you to make upfront payment. Upon the receipt of payment, we will proceed to book an appointment based on your selected date (subject to availability). In the event of unavailability, we will contact you to select an alternative date. Once the appointment is confirmed, we will notify you via SMS/email. Alternatively, you may also approach your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

You may engage NetLink to remove your Fibre Termination Point (FTP), please read and complete the form in the “Contact Us” page, under the “Homeowners” category. We will follow up with a SMS/email notification for you to make upfront payment. Upon the receipt of payment, we will proceed to book an appointment based on your selected date (subject to availability). In the event of unavailability, we will contact you to select an alternative date. Once the appointment is confirmed, we will notify you via SMS/email. Alternatively, you may also approach your Internet Service Provider (ISP).

The optical fibre cable and the Termination Point (TP) belongs to you, the homeowner. You are encouraged to retain the existing TP and structured cabling provided by the developer, wherever possible. However, you may also remove them on your own.

I am relocating to new premises, how do I transfer my fibre subscription to the new location?
Please approach your Internet Service Provider (ISP). They will advise you the next course of action and the charges applicable. Once NetLink Trust receives the request from your ISP, we will proceed with the relocation order.
Do I have to pay for installation of the Termination Point? How would the charges be billed to me?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

Installation of the Termination Point (TP) is chargeable at SGD 182.03 (inclusive of GST) for high-rise premises and SGD 333.54 (inclusive of GST) for landed properties.

If you have sent your installation request through your Internet Service Provider (ISP), please check with them on the payment.

If you have sent your request directly to NetLink Trust, payment must be made online before the confirmation of booking. Please call our enquiry line, at 6563 4273 to arrange for an installation appointment.

The Termination Point (TP) will be installed by the building developer or building owner during construction.

For any subsequent repair, replacement or relocation of the TP, you may engage your preferred licensed telecommunications wiring contractor directly.

How much do I have to pay for additional optical fibre?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

If fibre run beyond the first 15 metres (measured from point of entry into the Residential Premises to the Termination Point) for Buildings fitted with end-to-end NetLink Trust's fibre infrastructure, an additional fee of SGD 1.09 (inclusive of GST) per 5-metre block will be charged.

If fibre run beyond the first 25 metres (measured from Fibre Interface Point of the Residential Premises to the Termination Point) for Buildings fitted with building owner/building developer's network, an additional fee of SGD 1.09 (inclusive of GST) per 5-metre block will be charged.

What is a springboard issue? Why is my connection delayed by this issue?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

The springboard issue occurs when NetLink Trust is refused entry into a Main Distribution Frame (MDF) room that is located in another building or property.

Provisioning time is delayed due to the challenges that NetLink Trust faced in obtaining the building management’s approval to access the MDF room.

NetLink Trust is continuously undertaking efforts to expedite negotiations with individual building management for access to the relevant MDF rooms. NetLink Trust will seek assistance from the authorities where necessary. Once access is granted, provisioning of services to the end-user will proceed.

The springboard issue occurs when NetLink Trust is refused entry into a Main Distribution Frame (MDF) room that is located in another building or property.

Provisioning time is delayed due to the challenges that NetLink Trust faced in obtaining the building management’s approval to access the MDF room.

NetLink Trust is working with IMDA and relevant building managements to resolve access issues. Once access is granted, provisioning of fibre can proceed. As these cases are assessed on a case-by-case basis, delays up to 5 months can be expected.

Do I have to pay for installation of the Termination Point? How would the charges be billed to me?

COPIF 2008

COPIF 2013

Installation of the Termination Point (TP) is chargeable at SGD 182.03 (inclusive of GST) for high-rise premises and SGD 333.54 (inclusive of GST) for landed properties.

If you have sent your installation request through your Retail Service Provider (RSP), please check with them on the payment.

If you have sent your request directly to NetLink Trust, payment must be made online before the confirmation of booking. Please call our enquiry line, at 6563 4273 to arrange for an installation appointment.

The Termination Point (TP) will be installed by the building developer or building owner during construction.

For any subsequent repair, replacement or relocation of the TP, you may engage your preferred licensed telecommunications wiring contractor directly.

About Us


NetLink Trust designs, builds, owns and operates the fibre network infrastructure which is the foundation of Singapore’s Nationwide Broadband Network.



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